Wargear.net Player Alert

Know when it's your turn!

How it works

Stay fun

Need to relax? We all do, but do not block your team mates in a long game. Receive notification for your current games when it is your turn.


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Frequently Asked Question

Our primary commitment is to deliver the utmost security and convenience for our customers


Do you need access to my Waregar.net Account?

Yes, you need to share your read-only API key with us. Otherwise we can't check your games.


Can you send notifications to different channels?

Upon detecting a new release, we have the capability to send notifications to multiple channels.


Can you change anything in my Wargear.net account?

No. The API key does not allow us to do any action. We can only see and not change anything.


Where can I find the API Key?

We provide instructions in our Documentation.

Still have a question about our service?Contact us

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